
Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Police State Is Closer Than You Think - by Paul Craig Roberts

Interesting article. Is America, and in some way North America sliding into a totalitarian form of government? This article argues that we are closer than we think.

Civil rights being weakened and the executive branch of government strengthened is a dangerous pattern to follow. Every citizen of a democracy should be ever vigilent less we lose the very things that we claim to fight for. Power in the hands of a few people is always dangerous.

Discuss, debate and question everything.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Interesting Quotes

Came across this quote page at

some really good ones here,

All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.


Good stuff!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Follow up to previous Haaretz post

Interesting, atleast one person aknowledged what I wrote in the previous post. Felt good to see that the message of peace and love is universal, whether you live in Israel, or Toronto.

This response made my day!




Dear Omer Husain,

Your words are very meaningful and correct. This is what is necessary.

I say: Ahalen was ahalen mar haba, salaam alekum.

Peace be upon you and yours and G-D watch over you.


Be well my cousin,


-------------End of post

All the best to everyone in the world.
Discuss everything, and love each other.

The feedback page link is :

Thursday, September 29, 2005

There are good people everywhere.

I was reading an article in the haaretz newspaper online, it was on the Israeli - Palestinian issue. Specifically Israel considering further unilateral moves and debate on its results. There was a feedback section. As usual it was filled with a polorized debate and a lot of hatred and name calling, this is what I posted, i know its a bit idealistic and cliched, but it really needed to be said:

the article btw is:

start of post------------------------------

We are all children of God, everyone of us. Brothers and sisters. (Muslim, Jew, Christian...) It doesnt matter how you say the words, or perform the rituals, we all believe in the same God, the same truth. Its different rays from the same source.

Everyone deserves to live in peace. Everyone deserves a place to live. Fences are not the answer.

Terrorism is a plague on humanity. It reflects on all of us. There is no excuse for killing innocent civilians. All life is precious.

Liars, murderers, arms dealers and war profiters should not be the ones we follow.

We all need to work together.

Peace can not be achieved unilaterally, it must come through mutual respect, compromise and sacrifice (difficult but necessary). There are 2 sides in this conflict, the side of peace and the side of war. Take a moment to really understand your neighbour.

May love prevail so that our children can laugh and play together.

God bless you all

end of post------------------------

The good people of the world cant keep silent and let the debate be dictated by loud mouths. gotta speak up and let the world know there are good people every where. There are still believers in Goodness, peace. Apathy and cynacism must be challenged always.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

An excellent site. Its a good portal to many interesting articles written in different papers / blogs sites around the world. Obviosly it has a clear bias, (liberal perspective) but its transparent. I generally agree with most of the commentary made here. Its not simply about american politics but has sections on most hot spots around the world.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Musings of a Native: a taste of rumi..

An exellent verse / story / message by rumi.

Blogged by my friend Omar2. This just resonated in my soul.

Musings of a Native: a taste of rumi..

Monday, April 18, 2005

Google Toolbar

Check out the new google, toolbar, its pretty cool, got spell check and automap features. Its in beta still.

Google Toolbar

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Neptunes production techniques

Anyone interested in music production or just curious how neptunes make their beats that make crappy pop stars sound good. Check it out, its a bit old but good.

Neptunes at exclusive hip hop

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tweak's Guide

Anyone interested in music production should check it out, starts off easy for newbies and gets pretty in depth, the forums are also good. This guide has helped me a lot. Thumbs up

Tweak's Guide